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Toolbox - SFI Validator
Simla Rees-Moorlah avatar
Written by Simla Rees-Moorlah
Updated over a week ago

Please note this functionality is only available in a Standard or Professional subscription and only works with the SFI 2024 template


The SFI 2024 Validator is a tool designed to assist users in refining and validating their SFI 2024 plans. This tool conducts a series of corrections, validation tests, and calculations to ensure each plan meets specified standards and regulations. Upon completing these checks, it generates two new plans: one with the prefix 'ISSUES', highlighting all errors and warnings, and another with the prefix 'VALIDATED', which incorporates all corrected and original features in their original styling, created only if no errors have been identified. These generated plans are intended to complement, rather than replace, the user's original submission. Additionally, an email summary of the validation process is automatically sent to the user, providing an accessible review of any potential issues or necessary corrections.

Key Features

  • Automated Corrections and Validations: Ensures plans comply with required standards, making necessary adjustments and flagging issues where needed.

  • Dual Plan Generation: Outputs two (if applicable) new plans — 'ISSUES' for errors and warnings, and 'VALIDATED' for a cleaned version.

  • Email Summary: Sends a concise validation summary to the user, highlighting key issues and corrections.


Submission: Click on the three vertical dots next to your plan and select Toolbox

Then select SFI Validator

Confirm that you want to run the tool by selecting Run.

Now select back to Map. You may need to wait a few moments and then refresh your map.

Validation Process: The tool will perform a series of checks, including:

  • SBI number validation and RPA API checks

  • Correction of Field IDs

  • Checks if all features are within the relevant land ownership boundary

  • Identical line feature overlap checks

  • Validity of co-located actions and options

  • Land-use eligibility tests

  • Eligibility on SSSIs

  • Eligibility on Historic and Archaeological features (currently only

  • ‘Limited area’ validation

  • ‘Endorsed actions’ validation

Output Generation: Receive two new plans — 'ISSUES' for highlighting errors and warnings, and 'VALIDATED' for a version including all valid and corrected features. An email summary of the validation with an attached report are also provided.

Issue Types and Descriptions

Issue Type


Issue Level

Field ID Correction

Ensures all feature Field IDs are correct according to RPA standards. Corrections are made directly without issuing warnings or errors.


Identical Linear Feature Overlap

Issues a warning when identical linear features are present in the plan.


Land Outside of Ownership

Ensures that all features in the plan are within RPA field boundary for the given SBI number.


SSSI Eligibility

Issues a warning for actions that intersect with a Site of Special Scientific Interest and are eligible with permission.


SSSI Ineligibility

Issues an error for actions that intersect with a Site of Special Scientific Interest and are ineligible to do so.


Historic and Archaeological Features Eligibility

Issues a warning if an eligible action intersects a scheduled monument, requiring a HEFER. NOTE: The tool does not currently check against SHINE features.


Historic and Archaeological Features Ineligibility

Issues an error if an eligible action intersects a scheduled monument, and is ineligible to do so. NOTE: The tool does not currently check against SHINE features.


‘Limited area’ Validation

Issues an error if a ‘limited area’ action covers more than 25% of the total agricultural area of your farm.


Endorsed Action Warning

Issues a warning if any chosen actions are considered ‘endorsed action’, requiring prior written approval from Historic England or Natural England (as relevant).


Land-use Eligibility

Checks if the chosen SFI option is allowed on its designated land cover, reporting errors if ineligible.


Overlap Error

Validates co-located action overlaps against eligibility criteria, reporting overlaps as errors.


Understanding the ISSUES Plan

  • Depending on the Issue Level, polygons on the ISSUES plan are coloured accordingly: Red polygons for Errors, and orange for warnings.

  • It is advised to correct all errors in your original plan. You will know they are corrected if you use the Validator again and there are no longer any red polygons.

  • It is advised to be aware of any warnings (orange), as these indicate the information you should be aware of before submitting your application

Understanding the VALIDATED Plan

  • The VALIDATED plan is generated only if no errors were identified in your original plan. It includes all corrected features and all remaining valid (no-error) original features. It does include features that have been flagged as warnings (orange) in your ISSUES plan.

Upcoming Features in Version 2

Land App will next be focussing on introducing extra features to the validator to improve the services, including:

  • SHINE Lookup

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