Firstly create a new plan by using the New, Use template option.
Choose the Countryside Stewardship plan template, please note you will see a list of templates based on your sector. You can see other templates by looking at other sector templates.
Select your import method or you can Skip, just draw.
Import the data based on your import method.
Name your plan and click on finish
At this point you can use the Data Layers to switch on any Environmental Layers which may be useful to you.ย
Click on a particular feature, the Feature Details Menu will open on the right of your screen showing the current core attributes of the feature.
Note - You can select multiple features by holding down the shift key and clicking on the features or using the select feature type/select all function.
Use the feature details menu to change feature types. Click on change then search or start typing a Countryside Stewardship designation for the feature. Continue this for all of your Land Parcels.
You can also add annotation information to your map such as Name, Field ID, Area etc. by switching the eye icons on.
Once complete you can export this data in a table view - in the Plans section click on the three vertical dots next to the plan name and select Table View.
Please note that all users can generate a table view but only those in a professional subscription can export this. To find out more about our professional subscription please click here.
Once generated it will contain a number of details including Option Titles & Codes, Indicative payment rates etc. You can download this data by clicking on the download icon.
Additional guidance:
If you need to add a second option to a feature this guide will show you how - How to duplicate a feature