Firstly create a new plan by using the New, Use template,
Select the FER template.
Select Import from Rural Payments or another import method.
Input the 9 digit SBI number, select the dataset and click on next.
Name your plan and click on finish.
Your new plan will appear under plans in the left hand panel.
Now your plan has been created you can start to assign uses, to do so select a feature on the map or multiselect and the right hand panel will appear. To assign a use select Change.
You will be presented with a list of options to choose from. Make your selection to update.
You can select multiple features and update these at the same time. This guidance shows how.
To add line and point features select the feature/parcel that these should be contained within and go to the draw tool.
Choose your drawing tool and draw in your plan.
You can then assign the use for the feature from the right hand panel.
Please note for the "In field Trees" section, only use one point per field/parcel, and add the total number of in-field trees in the Description with the Label On rather than adding multiple points.