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Create and Pledge a WildEdge
Create and Pledge a WildEdge

How to pledge a WildEdge to Wild East

Simla Rees-Moorlah avatar
Written by Simla Rees-Moorlah
Updated over a week ago

When in a map click on New Download data.

Select the Wild Edges dataset please note this is free.

On the Download data screen you will need to define your purchase area. There are two methods of doing this.

For keeping all edges within an SBI number:

  1. Have a plan in your map that has used the SBI

  2. Define your download area with the Choose a plan option. Select the plan created with an SBI.

  3. Keep Intersect setting as whole features.

  4. Project name: This is the name used for the data layer produced (e.g use “Farm Name”). The Land App will automatically add the prefix “LMP_WildEdges”. (e.g. would return as “LMP_WildEdges Farm Name”).

  5. SBI Number: please enter the holding’s 9-digit Single Business Identifier number. For more information on how to access your SBI, see here.

  6. Select “Download Now”.

For only using a section of the farm or estate:

  1. “Define your purchase area” by either using an existing project (if you have one) or by choosing “Create a frame”. Ensure that the red-box is covering only the section of the farm or estate that you wish to have edges created.

  2. Choose either Intersect Setting

  • Whole features will retain all complete features, even ones that stray outside the purchase area.

  • Cut feature will cut all features that stray outside the purchase area.

Once you have successfully defined your purchase area, click on Download Now.

On the pop up select Back to map

The Land App will now be creating your Wild Edge a this can take up to 45 seconds. If nothing happens after this amount of time please refresh your web page.

Once a LMP_WildEdge project has been generated, you’ll see all of your predicted Wild Edges. This is just an estimation and therefore can be edited, deleted or, enhanced manually.


The Purple shapes are “h3 - Dense Scrub”. Areas where your hedges could be widened by 3 metres on each side through natural regeneration (e.g. moving fence posts out 6 metres wide).

The Orange shapes are “c1a - arable field margins”. Areas that are ideal for establishing a margin of sorts. On arable land, this could be tussocky grass (c1a5), wildflower (c1a5), cultivated annually (c1a7), birdseed (c1a8) or other margins. In grassland fields, these too could be left unmanaged to develop into tussocky swards.

The Green shapes are “g - grassland”. Areas where tussocky grasses are encouraged to protect existing watercourses (ponds, rivers and ditches). These can be replaced by “w - woodland”.

Any of these shapes can be edited to better reflect your Pledge.


To remove a wild edge feature that has been generated single click to select the main field parcel then right click. Select the merge tool and then click on the wild edge feature that you would like to remove.

To add your own buffers or margins please see this guidance.

How to draw and subtract features please see this guidance

Pledge your Wild Edge!

Once you are happy with the design of your pledge, you are ready to share it with WildEast’s Map of Dreams!

Click on the person with the plus icon when in your map.

In the pop up add the email address, select the Permission type as a editor and click on Add viewer.

Please note each individual pledgee owns their own data. Any pledgee can remove their data from the Map of Dreams at any time by removing This can be done by clicking on the person with the plus icon again and then clicking on the X next to the invited user. Read about WildEast's Privacy Policy here.

You’re finished! This pledge has been made to WildEast’s Map of Dreams. It can take up to 48 hours before your pledge is visible on their map (their team need to first check it before it goes live).

Need more support? Please visit: ​​

Inspiration for Wild Edges:

  1. Improving the Connectivity of your landscape.

  2. Reducing water pollution from agricultural run-off; our Wild Edge algorithm adds a buffer to all existing watercourses (of 6 to 12 m).

  3. Redefine farm tenancy boundaries: case-study TBC.

  4. Planning a Countryside Stewardship. This algorithm can quickly help you understand how to best protect existing natural features. Explore the full list of CSS options to see what you may choose:

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